Services for Developing Businesses



Developing with You

There are a variety of services and financing solutions available for business growth and development. Business Kemi is involved in networks that provide these solutions to companies. If you're unsure who to discuss development services or their financing with, you can turn to Business Kemi. Our experts will guide you to the right services.

Below are typical needs of a developing business that you can address with our advisory services. Some of our solutions may come with a cost, but we will inform you well in advance. Our advice is always free and confidential and does not obligate you or your company in any way


Financing for Growth

The Business Kemi team is here to help you clarify your financing options. Certain conditions may allow you to receive grants, loans, and guarantees from public financiers for business development, such as product development and internationalization. We assist in preparing plans and calculations related to both public and private business financing, as well as in applying for business financing.

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kehittyvän yrityksen neuvonta.

Internationalization and Export

Foreign markets are an attractive growth option for companies. However, it is important to do proper groundwork when starting to export to a new market. Even with a good product, it is crucial to understand the target market's specific characteristics and cultural differences, secure financing, and find the right networks. You can find financing solutions that support internationalization  here and get started by contacting Business Kemi developers.

Testaa KV-potentiaalisi

yhteistyötä yrittäjien verkostoissa

Entrepreneur Networks

One of Business Kemi's key tasks is to facilitate networking for growth-capable companies with the right parties. Whether your company is large or small, we encourage you to network with fellow entrepreneurs and experts who support your operations.

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Employer Services

Your company can receive free expert advice on employment-related questions, customized assistance with recruitment, and explore various hiring support options. Additionally, the skill needs of your company can be assessed to anticipate the training requirements of the current staff now and in the future.

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Tuula Saarela
yrityskehittäjä, rahoitusneuvonta ja aloittavien yrittäjien neuvonta
Tuula Saarela
040 128 7272
Ella Saarenpää
yrityskehittäjä, kasvuyritykset
Ella Saarenpää
045 278 0780