Selling a Business

Considering Selling

Don’t reinvent the wheel... When considering retirement or taking over the family business, turn to us early. Business Kemi provides essential tips to kickstart the sales process.

## Would That Sell?

Selling a business is often a lengthy process requiring time, effort, and mental resilience. When the business is profitable, the effort is worthwhile—your life's work can gain a new beginning with fresh ideas and offer a unique opportunity for a young entrepreneur. People are willing to pay for a good company! After a carefully planned sale, you can move on to the next adventures in life with peace of mind. A successful business sale requires that:

  • The business is in saleable condition.
  • You are ready to invest in the sales process.
  • You make a realistic valuation.
  • You are prepared to let go
Finnveran arvonmääritys -laskuri
Keep in mind that the estimate given by the calculator does not bind Finnvera or other parties and is not a guarantee of the minimum sale price. Always use external experts for the final valuation.

Brokers of businesses for sale include, for example:




Seller's Checklist

We are part of the Ownership Change Forum, which has compiled the typical steps involved in selling a business. Through us, you can get coaching and free advice to start the process. If needed, we can find an expert to finalize the sale for you.

Start early

The typical business sale process takes about 10 months, but it often extends over a year. Unfortunately, the most common outcome in the market is that the sale doesn't happen at all, or the business is simply closed without attempting to sell it.

The only way to expedite and ensure the sale is to invest in the sales process financially, with time, and with expert work. Before listing, many things can be done to speed up and secure the sale, but they take time.

Utilize expert assistance.

In Lapland, Suomen Yrittäjät' ownership transfer coordinator, Marko, supports local entrepreneurs with ownership transitions. His free services can significantly advance the sales process, and he can refer you to other experts if needed. Marko's contact details are at the bottom of the page.

Business brokers are also valuable. They specialize in facilitating business sales, saving time, reducing risks, and aiding decision-making. Initial consultations with brokers are free, offering insights into the best path forward. Brokers' fees are only a few percent of the total sale value, making their services highly cost-effective.

Initial discussions with a business broker are free, so you have nothing to lose. A broker can quickly advise on the best path forward or whether it might be wiser to delay or abandon the plan. You'll also learn what assistance is available, its necessity, and its cost.

Business sales rarely happen without professional help. Given that the cost of using a professional is only a few percent of the total sale value, the benefits far outweigh the costs.

Gather Information, Demand Information

Gather all current contracts, documents, blueprints, financial statements, etc., from the last three years into one folder, if they fit. You can't sell or buy a business without this step.

The sale process won't proceed without essential documents, as information gaps increase the buyer's risk and reduce their willingness to buy or pay the asking price.

If you have an estimated sale price, test its realism by asking your bank manager about financing options. Before sharing crucial information, require the buyer to sign a proper non-disclosure agreement to reduce the risk of hostile corporate espionage.

Create a Realistic Strategy

Good Sales Contracts

Truly let go

Getting started

When you seriously consider selling your business, you can book a confidential and free consultation. Business Kemi's advisors can discuss sales opportunities with you and plan the next steps. This meeting doesn't obligate you to start the sales process, so it's worth booking even if you're still unsure. To get more out of the meeting than just coffee and a chat, it's advisable to:

Explore the sellers guides from the Ownership Change Forum.

Review the Seller's Checklist above and note down any key questions you have.

Review other business sale listings onyrityspö - and consider preliminarily publishing your own sale listing there, for example, on the Yrityspörssi website.

Help to Get Started

Tuula Saarela
yrityskehittäjä, rahoitusneuvonta ja aloittavien yrittäjien neuvonta
Tuula Saarela
040 128 7272
Ella Saarenpää
yrityskehittäjä, kasvuyritykset
Ella Saarenpää
045 278 0780