Space and land solutions

Space for good ideas

When your company has outgrown its current premises or you are considering relocating to Kemi, we help you find suitable land and facilities for your business. The tips and links below will get you started, but if needed, you can receive personalized assistance through our services in finding solutions. We also offer the opportunity to explore the premises more thoroughly before making a final decision.

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Land use and plots

The available business plots in the city of Kemi can be either leased or purchased. If you're interested in plot options, it's advisable to contact the city's surveyor, affectionately known as Paulus. He can provide more detailed information about the plots. Soil investigations are recommended before making a decision to lease or purchase a plot. The Business Kemi team also assists with plot-related matters and can, if necessary, visit the site to showcase the offerings.

Vapaat yritystontit

Questions about available plots?

City of Kemi, City Surveyor
Paulus Rantajärvi
+358 50 594 8440

Business Kemi, Project Manager
Janne Rautio
+358 40 196 1114

Do you have a vacant plot that you would like to showcase in the Map Service?

You can provide the details of your plot, and it will be added to the above-mentioned Business Plot Map Service when you contact Esa.

City of Kemi, Land Surveyor
Esa Salmijärvi
+358 40 572 7068

Digipolis Kemin teknologiakylä-33

For sale and for rent premises.

On the Visit Kemi website, you can find comprehensive information tailored for businesses in the area. You can search for suitable premises for your company or offer your available office space for rent. Additionally, the website provides listings of rental apartments for new employees arriving in Kemi.


Vapaat toimitilat

Couldn't find what you need?

If there's currently no ready-made space available that fits your company's needs, we're here to assist you. You can contact our business developers directly or submit a contact request on the Contact page, and we'll get in touch with you. Let's work together to find a suitable solution for your company!

City of Kemi, Project Manager
Sanna Kotajärvi
+358 40 529 8857

Do you have office space that you'd like to showcase in the available office spaces?

You can submit the details of your office space for sale or rent, and they will be added to the available office spaces listings. The cost of the advertisement is €100 excl. VAT per year.

Submit your office space details here.


Digipolis solutions

Digipolis's modern premises and comprehensive office service offerings have been developed with the needs of businesses in mind. In addition to traditional spaces, virtual office services are also available.



Digipolis offers modern, customer-tailored office spaces with comprehensive additional services. Tenants have access to impressive common areas, social facilities, and meeting rooms, even if they rent a small office space.

The rental fee and reception service price are reviewed annually and are linked to the office's square footage. The rent includes heating, water usage, and parking spaces in the property's yard. The reception service price comprises information center services, access control maintenance, guest reception and guidance, as well as the use of the gym and common areas. The content and costs of the reception service are negotiated on a per-company basis.



Virtual offices

If your company doesn't require a permanent office space, Digipolis Technology Village also offers virtual offices for rent.

The virtual office includes:

  • A desk office for 3 days per month

  • A mailing address at Digipolis (with mail forwarding to a chosen address)

  • The opportunity to rent Digipolis meeting rooms at tenant rates

Visibility on the Digipolis area website
Your contact person for all of Digipolis's space solutions is:

Kemin Teollisuuskylä Oy
Tarja Heikonen
+358 50 349 4984

Room for opportunity

Are you organizing an event, seminar, or meeting in Kemi? Even though some of us enjoy staying longer, we want to offer the best of Kemi to those who are just passing through.

Celebration, meeting, or any other event in Kemi

Visit Kemi has compiled a comprehensive list of meeting and event venues available for businesses on their website. If you need assistance or clarification regarding venue inquiries, the Business Kemi team will find the answers for you.



If you're planning a larger event, the Kemi City Events Office can help you choose a venue that serves both organizers and attending visitors alike.


Avarat kokoustilat ravintola Lumihiutaleessa.

Still haven't found a solution to your space question? Reach out to us!

Sanna Kotajärvi
Sanna Kotajärvi
040 529 8857
Ella Saarenpää
yrityskehittäjä, kasvuyritykset
Ella Saarenpää
045 278 0780