Entrepreneur Networks

One of Business Kemi's key tasks is to facilitate networking for growth-capable companies with the right parties. Whether your company is large or small, we encourage you to network with fellow entrepreneurs and experts who support your operations.

Networking Options

As an entrepreneur, you inevitably find yourself in various communities and networks, both formal and informal. Networking happens for every entrepreneur, whether they intend it or not. You can gain an advantage by investing in networks that benefit your business or your personal well-being and resilience.

We encourage companies to engage actively in networking and organize networking coffee sessions at many of our events.

## Our Regional Entrepreneur Networks

Join entrepreneur organizations that offer members support, networking opportunities, and a platform to influence matters concerning entrepreneurs both regionally and nationally.


Kemin Yrittäjät.

Kemin Yrittäjänaiset.





Mentor Supporting the Entrepreneur

Mentoring involves the transfer of knowledge and expertise from an experienced individual to a less experienced future professional. In this case, a skilled and respected expert, another entrepreneur acting as a mentor, advises, supports, and promotes a less experienced person—such as a new entrepreneur—in building their entrepreneurial path.

Mentoring is based on openness, mutual trust, and equality. Its purpose is to foster the mentee's professional development and success in their entrepreneurial career.

Kemin Yrittäjät offers mentoring assistance especially to new entrepreneurs in the Kemi area. You can contact an entrepreneur directly and express your need for mentoring. If necessary, they will refer you to a more knowledgeable entrepreneur based on industry expertise or company size.

Take the opportunity and reach out to entrepreneurs!


Benefits of Networking

Networks benefit entrepreneurs in many ways, often in unpredictable ways. Strategic networking, however, is a financial advantage for the business, and the time invested in it pays back with interest.

Valuable Tips
As an entrepreneur, you will often encounter situations where you need external advice, help, and expertise. Well-maintained networks can easily connect you with the right people to assist in each situation.

Sometimes the best help comes from a fellow entrepreneur in the same field, while other times, insights from completely different industries can be enlightening. If your network doesn't have the immediate answer, it can still provide invaluable advice on whom to approach. In return, your experience and expertise may be the missing piece that saves time, effort, and money for others in your network.

Your Business is Known and Recognized
A strong network can be an excellent channel for customer acquisition. By sharing information about your new products and services within networks, you ensure that people think of you when they need similar services.

Recommendations and endorsements from acquaintances or network members are often more valuable and effective than any Facebook ad or newspaper announcement. The image of your business is formed every time you network—whether the network is informal or formal. Therefore, it's essential to consider what and how you communicate about your operations.

 Expand Your Knowledge
Networks are an excellent way to enhance your expertise. While you may be a specialist in your core competency, there are many things you may not know yet. Networks are filled with experts from various fields from whom you can learn a wide range of business skills. By daring to network with very different people, you are likely to gain broader knowledge and skills.

Coaching for Business Development
Developing your own business is a favorite task for many entrepreneurs and essential in today's world. Development can range from small changes that enhance the customer experience to larger projects involving new innovations. A good network allows you to bounce ideas around and offers tips and perspectives you might not have considered alone or within your own company. You may come up with even more effective ideas when discussing them with others!

Diverse Support for Entrepreneurs' Daily Life
Being an entrepreneur can sometimes be a lonely endeavor. However, you are not the only entrepreneur in this city, or even in this country.

Other entrepreneurs understand the joys and challenges of business, and you can share your successes together. Fellow entrepreneurs provide like-minded conversation and peer support when needed. Through entrepreneur organizations, you also have access to expert advice.

Local business support organizations like Business Kemi or funding representatives can offer perspectives you might miss, such as updated information on new financing solutions, regulations, and changes. Collaboration with these experts doesn't have to be formal or rigid—they enjoy networking with entrepreneurs from various fields.

The Expertise of Our Networks at Your Disposal

Business Kemi is involved in various expert and public networks locally, nationally, and internationally. Through these networks, we bring up-to-date specialized knowledge to benefit local companies and maintain our team's expertise.

Our international networks primarily focus on bio- and circular economy networks that support Kemi's vitality program.