
EU alliance

The Circular Economy Centre coordinates a network of European operators aiming to promote business investments in the circular economy in the EU.

The members of the alliance represent a wide range of companies and operators in the field of the circular economy around Europe. The international network has regular meetings and it examines solutions to boost the green economy. 

Our objective is to find interested investors for long-term development processes in the circular economy. The network also lobbies EU decision-makers to promote business in the circular economy.

Photo is from Bryssel, EU-alliance meeting at 22nd-24th of November at 2021. Tuomas Pussila (left), Pierre Padilla and Jukka Teräs.


EU-allianssi Bryssel Tuomas Pussila Pierre Padilla Jukka Teräs

Our experts at your service

Tuomas Pussila

Director, Circular Economy Centre

+358 50 461 1236
