
The network of eco-industrial parks



The Circular Economy Centre heads a nationwide network of eco-industrial parks, offering an outlook on the entire circular economy in Finland for companies and authorities. The network consists of regional pioneers in the circular economy from a variety of eco-industrial parks. The objective of the network is to exchange best practices and monitor the development of the circular economy in Finland and abroad.



The network of eco-industrial parks is an important part of the national platform of expertise in the circular economy. The objective of the Teollisen kiertotalouden osaamisalusta (TKO) (platform of expertise in circular economy) is to strengthen sustainable growth and innovation in the industrial circular economy in Finland. The project gathers regional and national resources together to create a national platform of expertise in order to increase business in the industrial circular economy, create jobs, and enhance and disseminate expertise in the industrial circular economy.


An eco-industrial park can also work as an expert panel and give statements and opinions regarding the circular economy.

What is an eco-industrial park?


An eco-industrial park is a geographically limited area where materials, energy and data circulate between companies. The objective of an eco-industrial park is achieving profitable business while taking environmental values into account. In an ideal situation, material that may be waste to one operator is used as a raw material by another, therefore creating an industrial symbiosis between companies.

What are the advantages of an eco-industrial park?


Eco-industrial parks create added value to their member companies through cooperation. Significant savings can be made in raw material, energy, waste management, production and logistics costs, for example. In addition, major cost-savings can be made in a network of companies through joint purchases. Eco-industrial park member companies also create joint R&D projects and cooperate with universities. There are some twenty larger-scale eco-industrial parks operating in Finland.

What are the advantages of an eco-industrial park network?

 Eco-industrial park networks are active operators and experience-based information is disseminated around Finland. The networks offer excellent contacts in the multifaceted field of the circular economy industry. In addition to exchanging best practices and data, workshops and visits to other eco-industrial parks are organised within the network. The network is headed by Tuomas Pussila, director of the Circular Economy Centre.

Here is nine-step guide to establish an eco-industrial park.  This guide is based on the work done by the network of eco-industrial parks across Finland that was organised under the Circular Economy Centre project (2018-2019) funded by Sitra. Circular Economy Centre published this guide at January 2021. 



Eco-industrial parks that promote the circular economy need their own metrics in order to develop their operations.  Policy Brief 1 recommends starting measuring eco-industrial parks without delay.

Policy Brief 1 has been published by the Circular Economy Centre at August 2021. 




Our experts at your service

Tuomas Pussila

Director, Circular Economy Centre

+358 50 461 1236


Eco-industrial parks

Envi Grow is an eco-industrial park located in Kanta-Häme. Envi Grow Park recycles materials, energy, experience and know-how related to waste management and the food and construction industries. The system, based on closed cycles, is beneficial both for the environment and the local economy.

Riikka Riihimäki
+358 50 464 1333

The Joensuu Region is a strong cluster of forest bioeconomy and circular economy, the metal industry and phototechnology business. The GreenPark business park located next to the city is particularly designed to meet the needs of the companies operating in the fields of cleantech as well as the wood and metal industries. There is, for example, an international collaboration network built around the largest forest machine manufacturer in the world, John Deere. The new Biotie industrial park in Iiksenvaara is located next to an existing circular economy and energy production hub near the deep water port. The Outokumpu Mining Camp, an expertise cluster in mining, is renowned for its GTK Mintec’s mineral processing pilot plant and research laboratory. GTK Mintec is one of the most sophisticated mineral research infrastructures in the world.



Terttu Kinnunen
+35850 339 4992  

Kemi-Tornio, located in the Bothnian Arc area close to the Swedish border, is a cluster of chemical and mechanical wood processing, metal and steel industry, wood house industry and metal and engineering workshops. Mining is also important in the area. About 1.7 million tonnes of industrial by-products suitable for further processing are created every year, and about 8 per cent of the net worth of Finnish exports is generated in the area. The Circular Economy Centre promotes the business of eco-industrial park member companies by facilitating the implementation of investments in the circular economy.



Tuomas Pussila
+358 50 461 1236

Biopark is located in Kemijärvi, Lapland, in the traditional Patokangas wood processing area. The area accommodates the saw mill, glued laminated timber mill and pellet plant of Keitele Group, as well as the largest green wood terminal in Finland. Vataset Oy is preparing to invest €1,000 million in a biorefinery in Kemijärvi. The eco-industrial park provides companies with land and sites assigned for industrial use in the municipal plan, well-functioning zoning, and permitting services of the town and training services in the area.



Jari Polvi
+358 40 734 4152

Kokkola Industrial Park (KIP) is the largest ecosystem for the inorganic chemical industry in Northern Europe. KIP, located in Central Ostrobothnia, accommodates 17 international companies operating in the chemical and metal industries, mainly producing for export. In addition, about 60 service-sector companies are located in the area. These companies work in industrial symbiosis: they work in close cooperation, taking advantage of synergies in production and operations.



Johanna Hylkilä
+358 10 505 9526

EcoSairila, located in South Savo, is a modern cluster of green industries and a development platform for the circular economy. Some 100 hectares have already been planned and are ready for business on the EcoSairila eco-industrial park, and both biogas and gas production by-products are available. A total of €100 million has been invested in the project.



Panu Jouhkimo
+358 44 598 6854

ECO3, located in Pirkanmaa, is a pioneer in the bio- and circular economy. ECO3 accommodates a wide range of companies in the circular economy and the technical cycles of nutrients, wood, energy and fuels.



Sakari Ermala
+358 50 583 4233


This eco-industrial park located in Southwest Finland specialises in the processing of technology metals and chemicals needed in electricity generation as well as technology metal products. The eco-industrial park is complemented by the massive Peittoo recycling park located in Pori. Peittoo recycling park provides industries with facilities for the large-scale handling, storage and disposal of industrial by-products.



Jarkko Vuorela
+358 44 710 5331

The Kilpilahti industrial area in Porvoo focuses on petrochemical products, renewable fuels and products, gas, plastics and the raw materials for plastics. The area, located on the south coast of Finland, has been built around the Neste oil refinery, and it also produces excess heat.



Leena Alihakkola
+358 40 730 5440

The Circular Economy Village is a joint project between the Town of Riihimäki and Fortum to process municipal waste through an automated sorting plant. Municipal waste is sorted for biowaste, plastic, metal and fuel suitable for industrial use, and the remaining waste is used for energy and heat production. Riihimäki has excellent transport connections, and is located about 70 kilometres north of Helsinki.



Mika Herpiö
+358 400 500 3345

Metsäjaanu is an evolving cluster of cleantech companies located in Salo, with excellent transport connections to Turku, Helsinki and Hanko. The cluster of 10 companies and nearly 100 employees is located in a 100-hectare area.



Jouko Urmas
+358 44 778 2115

Smart Chemistry Park houses 10 companies operating in the fields of the chemical and process industries, along with 60 companies in its collaboration network. Smart Chemistry Park is an innovation platform and cluster for start-ups and SMEs delivering solutions for the bio- and circular economy. Smart Chemistry Park, located in Varsinais-Suomi, provides companies with laboratory, piloting and office facilities. Companies within the network have access to an extensive collaboration network of public sector agencies, universities and companies, which promotes their growth.



Linda Fröberg-Niemi
+358 50 587 3441

Plänet B, located in Äänekoski, Central Finland, is a meeting point and network that aims to do its bit in solving global environmental problems through products and services based on bio and circular economies. For example, Metsä Group’s bioproduct mill operates in Äänekoski, and there is also a piloting factory that produces innovative textile fibre out of pulp. Plänet B actively supports start-ups, cleantech companies, SMEs and industrial companies operating in the field of the bioeconomy, as well as a wide range of service providers from various fields. 



Sari Åkerlund


+385 50 598 7447