Invest in Kemi invites your business to succeed with us

– why Sea Lapland?

In Kemi, the green transition and Arctic tourism uniquely converge – it's difficult to describe. You simply have to experience it!
Kimmo Heikka
Director of Economic Development ,Kemi

Logistics in Place

 Located along the E-8 Highway

Newly renovated deep-water port in 2023

Rail and air connections



 A Place for Your Business

Customizable business area

Effortless operating environment  

Solid industrial experience

Kemi Invites

Everything is close  

Living is affordable  

The sea and four seasons


Invest in –
Kemi is growing


Kemi is the home of the circular economy, and Sea Lapland is at the heart of green transition investments.

When you come to Sea Lapland, you are at the forefront of the hydrogen economy and the abundant opportunities brought by northern investments.



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Invest in –
Kemi invites


There is strength in us, like in a small Gaulish village. Every year, we contribute 6-8% of Finland's goods export value.

Living alongside industry for generations, some families in Kemi are already in their fourth generation of factory workers.

Life runs smoothly, giving us more time. The sea and four seasons charm us – Kemi calls. You might just fall in love.


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Invest in Kemi invites your business to thrive with us
Discover the options we offer for you and your company. Most locations can be flexibly tailored to your needs.

We are happy to provide detailed information about business areas or discuss other solutions for your business. You can find the contact person for each business area on its dedicated page.

Explore more at Invest in Kemi.


Sea Lapland – For Better Business

Sea Lapland's Industrial Revenue


Millions of euros per year

Sea Lapland's industrial revenue per year


Finland's goods export value.

 Investment Potential of Northern Regions


Billions of euros


What's New in Circular Economy and Business

Read about the latest developments in circular economy and business with us.

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