China and Finland together; for future-oriented cooperative partnership.
Economical seminar in Kemi 10 - 11th of October 2017
Tuesday 10.10.2017
18.00 – 20.00 Get together & networking cocktails, on Arctic Icebreaker Sampo
Hosted by City of Kemi and Kaidi Finland Ltd
Wednesday 11.10.207
Seminar will be held at the Cultural Centre of Kemi
9.00 – 10.30 Networking at the Cultural Centre of Kemi
or visit Digipolis and Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Kosmos Campus
11.00 – 12.00 Lunch
12.00 – 14.30 Seminar I
• Opening words: Welcome to Kemi, Mayor of Kemi, Mr. Tero Nissinen
• Salutation from Finnish government: “New cooperative partnership of
China and Finland”, Minister of Economic Affairs Mr. Mika Lintilä
• “China’s perspective of co-operation between the Republic of Finland
and the People’s Republic of China”, Economic and Commercial
Counsellor, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Finland, Mr.
Sun Liwei
• “Biorefinery in Kemi”, Sunshine Kaidi New Energy Group, Kaidi Finland
• “Scaling up, scaling down Finnish experiences”, MEP Nils Torvalds, European Parliament
• “Science and technology exchange between China and Finland”,
Chinese Association of Science and Technology in Finland, Mr. Xu
• Discussion
14.30 – 15.00 Coffee break
15.00 – 17.00 Seminar II
• “Investment cooperation with China and future opportunities in the field
of bio- and circular economy”, Invest in Finland (IIF), Mr. Vesa Koivisto
• “Co-operation with China – importance for the Regional Council of
Lapland”, Chairman of the Lapland Regional Government Board,
Member of Finnish Parliament, Mr. Markus Lohi
• “Bio- and circular economy future possibilities”, The Finnish Innovation
Fund Sitra, Senior Lead, Mr. Jyri Arponen
• “Entrepreneur’s perspective on China”, Chamber of Commerce, Member
of the Chamber board, entrepreneur, Mrs. Paula Aikio-Tallgren
• Discussion
• Closing words, Chairman of Kemi 2000: Cultural and Science
Foundation, Mr. Heikki Lääkkölä
Host, Delegation of the European Union to the Council of Europe,
Ambassador and Head of Delegation, Mr. Jari Vilén
18.00 – 21.00 Dinner at Santa´s Seaside Office
Registration info@digipolis.fi until 2.10.2017
Registration fee: seminar 200 €/person and 100 €/person