The Ministry of Education and Culture has granted a total of EUR 19 million to universities for the development of, among other things, student selection, all-year-round studying and the development of digitalisation teaching.
The multidisciplinary contents of the circular economy for universities of applied sciences will be developed in the EUR 2.5 million project coordinated by Lapland University of Applied Sciences. The project involves 19 universities of applied sciences, and it adds the knowledge and cooperation of the circular economy in universities of applied sciences. The objective is circular economy teaching that is open and emphasises internationalisation
The development work has two primary objectives. The overall objective is to increase the role of the circular economy in teaching and RDI work. The objective of the training development is to design and pilot teaching of high quality, openness, and with international aspects.
The aim is to identify business potential better and to commercialise the business potential at an earlier stage. As the practical implementation of the circular economy takes place in practice in companies, the renewal of training is based on the Industry 4.0 thinking and operating models, which include learning systems and self-organising solutions, and which take into account the focus areas of the Finnish circular economy roadmap.