The Port of Kemi is your easiest route to the world. Shipments depart safely from Ajos 24/7, every day of the year.
partner-kemin satama
The area surrounding the port provides numerous opportunities for business activities.

Top-Notch Port Services

Deep-water port: 12 meters

Rail connection

High-quality port services

Excellent Connectivity


E-8 Highway:5 minutes

Veitsiluoto:5 minutes

Kemi: 10 minutes

Ajos Enables Business

Industrial plots and business opportunities are available.

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Ajoksentie, 94900 Kemi FI




Kemi Ajos - Port and Growing Industrial Area

In Ajos, right next to the port, there are various industrial plots available to meet different business needs.

For investment inquiries, please contact Kimmo Heikka or Päivi Keisu.


The port is easily accessible via all major routes and offers high-quality services to handle various types of cargo according to customer requirements. For port-related operations, please contact Markku Rautio.


Invest in Kemi Ajos Kemin satama KUVA KUVAVUORINEN

Kimmo Heikka

Director of Economic Development, City of Kemi, CEO of Kemi Digipolis Oy

Päivi Keisu

Project manager, Invest in Veitsiluoto, Kemin Digipolis Oy
Markku Rautio_LO RES-1

Markku Rautio

CEO, Kemin Satama Oy

A Business Hub Just for You 

Invest in Kemi invites your business to succeed with us. Explore the options available for you and your company. Most locations can be flexibly tailored to meet your needs. We are happy to assist if you want more detailed information about our business areas or have another solution in mind for your company. You can find the contact person for each business area on its dedicated page.

invest in Kemi Ajos Kemin satama KUVA KUVAVUORINEN

Invest in Kemi

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